Staring at your classroom white walls, trying to decide what to put on them can be overwhelming. Some teachers love decorating their French class, spending hours on Pinterest, but I am going to focus this post on what I see as the must have posters for French class. Some teachers just aren’t that into it, or don’t have the time or the budget to transform their classroom into the next Instagram hit. And you know what, that’s totally okay too! Let’s take a look at some poster options that aren’t going to ruin you, and that are easy to set up and will do the job just fine.
The first Posters for French Class I need are Classroom Phrases
There are some basic French phrases (such as: How do you say…? Comment dit-on…?) that your students will be using all year long and you definitely want these on your classroom walls. I created a set of mini-posters that you can find here.
Question prompt posters for french class
Another set of posters that are essential are question words. They are a crucial part of the language and we use them in a wide variety of activities and of course in almost every conversation. Here is a FREE SET for you to download to try out!
At the beginning of the school year, you could even have your students create these posters! It’s fun, inexpensive and a great activity for kids who like to craft.
High Frequency Verbs posters for french class
Oh boy, don’t you get tired of students asking you how to conjugate the verb Faire in the Present Tense ten times a day? If you’re like me, you definitely need high frequency verbs posters in your classroom, it will keep you sane and will help your students to be more autonomous and find the information themselves. Heads up, some of them will still ask you how to conjugate the same verb again and again. Yep, repetition is a big part of the job.
Conjugation Charts can never be entertaining, but they can be cute and easy to understand ones. Check them out here!
Cultural posters for french class
If you want your classroom walls to display language tools, you also don’t want to forget to set up some cultural posters. They can be about French food, places or people. Having your students dream and connect with French culture is an important goal.You can find plenty of images on for Free! Grab a cup of coffee and select pictures of your favorite French foods or anything you think your students will love, question, and be intrigued by.
BONUS suggestion: Maps and Flags posters for french class
A few years ago, I was tutoring a group of 6th graders that had been speaking fluent French for the past 7 years. One of them was going on a trip to France, so I decided to ask him to show us on a map the itinerary they were going to take. I got very surprised when I realized he didn’t know where any French cities were. None of them did. Having geographical knowledge, in my opinion, goes hand in hand with the process of learning French. Of course, France isn’t the only place where people speak French, therefore I want to highlight the importance of having maps and flags of different francophone countries on your classroom walls.
So there you have my five must have posters for the French classroom, and I hope you find these ideas and links helpful as you start the new year.